Here I don’t show wordpress seo plugins focused on simple META HEAD keyword tags. Instead I listed wordpress seo plugings focused on real keyword handling within the post content!
Focus on Keyword to Post linking 🔗
1.) WP Keyword Link
A SEO plugin that helps you to automatically link keywords to articles. And displays a list of posts similar to the current post. This plugin allows you to define keyword/link pairs. The keywords are automatically linked in each of your posts and comments.
You can decided for each link if you would like to:
- Add a “No Follow”
- Match only on the first mention
- Open a new window on clicking the link
- Match any case (ignore case) in the keyword
- Apply the link also to your posts comment section
- Now it also work for Chinese Keyword.
- Multi-language support
- Auto change Post tags to Keyword (New), You can choose turn on or turn off.
- displays a list of posts similar
A plugin that allows you to define keyword/link pairs. The keywords are automatically linked in each of your posts. This is usefull for improving the internal cross referencing pages inside your site or to automatically link to external partners (SEO).
You can decided for each link if you would like to:
- Add a “No Follow”
- Match only on the first mention
- Open a new window on clicking the link
- Match any case (ignore case) in the keyword
- Apply the link also to your posts comment section
It is possible to CSS style links:
- If the link is an affiliate you would like to disclose
- Any other link tagged by the plugin
To help maintain longer keyword lists it is also possible to import and export lists of keywords to a comma seperated values (CSV) file, handy if you would like to edit the list of keywords in a spreadsheet.
Example: “A visit to the UK is not complete without a visit to Stonehenge.”
Would become: “A visit to the UK is not complete without a visit to Stonehenge.”
3.) Following list:
Batch Links | 0.1 | This plugin is designed to add links to posts for a predefined list of keywords. It is primary utilized as a SEO tool, so you can use your WordPress-powered blog to boost the SEO rankings of the other websites, which you link through the keywords. By Kaloyan K. Tsvetkov. |
GDD Adwords | 1.1 | GDD Adwords add links on predefined words, based on user options, in all WordPress posts. It does not affect the original post content. By Emiliani. |
Word 2 Cash | 0.9.2 | Word 2 Cash is a free WordPress plugin. Its purpose is to turn specified keywords on your blog into links. For example, suppose you want every instance of the word WordPress in your posts to be an anchor text pointing to This plugin can do that for you automatically. See more details on my website here. By Mohammed Safi. |
Focus on Keyword handling, like marking, coloring, contend adding … 🔗
TagMahal - Automatic tag suggester | 1.0.3 | Tag suggester for post content using state of the art machine learning algorithms for semantic analysis. It works in a toolbox in the sidebar. It provides a button that connects to the Flaptor Tagger API through HTTP, retrieves a list of possible tags and displays them in the toolbox. You can add any of the suggested tags by clicking on it, or get new suggestions using the Refresh Tags button … By Flaptor. |
WP Auto Tagger | 1.3.2 | This plugin uses the Yahoo API to suggest tags based on the post content. You have the option to automatically tags posts on save or get tag suggestions with a single click. Auto Tagger will not replace your existing tags. This version has been updated to support Wordpress 2.5. For older versions of Wordpress please download version 1.2. By iDope. |
Zemanta | 0.7.1 | Zemanta recommends content while you write your post. It helps you enhance it with images, videos, links, and SEO optimized tags. It's blogging on steroids! Zemanta brings you: Links: Wikipedia, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Amazon, CrunchBase, MusicBrainz, Snooth wines, Wikinvest Videos: YouTube, 5min Images: Getty, Flickr, Wikipedia Widgets: Google Maps,, Slideshare, Wikinvest Articles: Majo… By Zemanta Ltd.. |
Bye Papa Destra | 1.1 | It works very easy and simple. Your site will always be updated automatically. This plugin is a simple SEO tool that is expected to facilitate performance petrified webmaster. Spider View, Backlink Checker, Search Engine Saturation can be used by directly doing click on the menu. And shortcode to display RSS few sites are: Google News, Yahoo Top Stories, Youtube Recently Added and Article Direc… By Papa Destra. |
wp-markKeyword | 0.8 | This plugin can high light keyword after someone searchecd it, which supports the search engines like google, baidu, ask, yahoo&bing. 1.the highlight words are from the link of the search engine 2.every key word is added with a link, clicking the link can search in the site 3.on the top of the article show the key words which users are searching 4.high light the searching result 5.the highligh… By Conis. |
Intelligent Traffic Generator | 0.4.3 | NOTE: This is a BETA release of the plugin intended for testing of features and provision of feedback. Initial runs by several webmasters proved it to be a reliable and stable plugin that does exactly what it's intended for, however I'm gonna wait for the feedback from the public at large to see if there are any undesired interactions with other plugins and to customize functionality according to … By Locoed Web Developement. |
Yahoo Autotag | 1.0 | Imagine yourself writing a long blog post and now you need to add tags for better SEO. You have to go back and think "Which tags are the best for this post?"... Well, now you don't have to, because this plugin searches the entire internet for the best keywords. Actually is just goes to and uses their search API. The plugin sends the post content to Yahoo, then Yahoo generates the best ke… By Matt. |
Yahoo Autotag | 1.0 | Imagine yourself writing a long blog post and now you need to add tags for better SEO. You have to go back and think "Which tags are the best for this post?"... Well, now you don't have to, because this plugin searches the entire internet for the best keywords. Actually is just goes to and uses their search API. The plugin sends the post content to Yahoo, then Yahoo generates the best ke… By Matt. |
WP-WikiBox | 0.1.3 | WP-WikiBox is a simple yet very useful plugin. It uses Wikipedia API to retrieve the beginning summary section of a Wikipedia article based on the keyword title provided. You can simply insert Wikipedia information inline with your posts or provide wiki explanation on your tags and boost your ranks with rich wiki content. The wiki box supports styling, customization and caching of retrieved data … By Behrooz Sangani.==> seems to have a install problem with wordpress 3.0.4 ! |
Der Text aus dem Jahr 2011 bezieht sich auf verschiedene WordPress-Plugins, die sich auf die Verwaltung von Keywords konzentrieren. Es wird beschrieben, wie diese Plugins automatisch Keywords mit Artikeln verlinken und die interne und externe Verlinkung verbessern können.
Im Jahr 2024 haben sich viele Dinge in der Welt der WordPress-Plugins und SEO-Tools geändert. Neue Trends und Technologien haben die Art und Weise beeinflusst, wie Keywords gehandhabt und verwaltet werden. Einige der Plugins aus dem Text von 2011 sind möglicherweise nicht mehr relevant oder wurden durch fortschrittlichere Lösungen ersetzt.
Eine wichtige Entwicklung, die sich seit 2011 in der SEO-Branche vollzogen hat, ist die verstärkte Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen. Moderne SEO-Tools verwenden fortschrittliche Algorithmen, um Keywords zu analysieren, relevante Vorschläge zu machen und die Leistung in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen zu verbessern.
Im Jahr 2024 sind Plugins mit Funktionen wie automatischer Tag-Vorschlag, semantische Analyse und intelligentes Tagging sehr gefragt. Diese Tools helfen Website-Betreibern, ihre Inhalte für Suchmaschinen zu optimieren und die Sichtbarkeit im Internet zu erhöhen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt, der sich seit 2011 entwickelt hat, ist die Bedeutung von hochwertigen und relevanten Inhalten. Suchmaschinen-Algorithmen werden immer anspruchsvoller und belohnen Websites, die qualitativ hochwertige, informative und benutzerfreundliche Inhalte bieten. Daher ist es für Website-Betreiber entscheidend, ihre Inhalte nicht nur mit Keywords zu optimieren, sondern auch sicherzustellen, dass sie einen Mehrwert für die Nutzer bieten.
In Bezug auf die im Text erwähnten Plugins könnten einige von ihnen durch modernere Alternativen ersetzt worden sein, die leistungsstärkere Funktionen und bessere Integration mit aktuellen SEO-Praktiken bieten. Plugins, die auf maschinellem Lernen basieren, automatische Tag-Vorschläge machen und eine effektive interne Verlinkung ermöglichen, sind besonders gefragt.
Es ist ratsam, die aktuellen Trends und Entwicklungen in der SEO-Branche zu verfolgen und Tools zu verwenden, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik sind, um die Sichtbarkeit und das Ranking Ihrer Website zu verbessern.
Insgesamt hat sich die Landschaft der SEO und WordPress-Plugins seit 2011 erheblich verändert, und es ist wichtig, mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen Schritt zu halten, um erfolgreich im digitalen Raum zu sein.