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PHP and PEAR SOAP: How to pass attributes to a webservice operation (xml-wsdl)

· 379 words · 2 minutes to read

Basing a PHP SOAP Client on a webservice’s WSDL is very easy using PEAR’s SOAP package.

Usually you can pass tons of XML ELEMENTS to the webservice. But how to pass XML ATTRIBUTES?

Sample XML REQUEST structure:

Air Congo

With PHP PEAR SOAP I was thinking to use it this way:

$params = array(“airline" “ => array(“_” => “Air Congo”, “id” => “12”));

$result = $client->getAirline($params);

… but unfortunatelly this doesn’t work …

Update 2024

Update on PHP and PEAR SOAP for passing attributes to a webservice operation 🔗

When the original text was written in 2011, using PHP and PEAR SOAP to pass attributes to a webservice operation was a common practice. However, as of 2021, there have been significant changes in the technology landscape, and the approach described may no longer be valid.

In 2021, the use of PHP for web development is still prevalent, but there has been a shift towards more modern frameworks and libraries that offer better support for SOAP and other web service protocols. PEAR, while once popular, has seen a decline in usage compared to newer alternatives.

With the advancements in web development practices, developers now have access to more robust tools and libraries for working with SOAP services. One such tool is the PHP SOAP extension, which provides a more direct and efficient way to interact with SOAP-based APIs.

Additionally, the 2024 landscape shows that many companies are moving away from SOAP towards more lightweight and flexible alternatives like RESTful APIs. REST APIs are easier to work with, require less overhead, and are more suited for modern web development practices.

Therefore, if you are looking to pass attributes to a webservice operation in 2024, consider using modern PHP frameworks like Laravel or Symfony, which offer built-in support for consuming and interacting with SOAP services. These frameworks provide more streamlined approaches for handling SOAP requests and responses, making the process simpler and more efficient.

In conclusion, while the original approach of using PHP and PEAR SOAP for passing attributes to a webservice operation may have been valid in 2011, it is essential to adapt to the current technology landscape in 2024. By leveraging modern PHP frameworks and libraries, developers can ensure they are using the most effective tools for working with web services.