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How to install PHP PEAR Packaes behind a Proxy or Firewall

· 420 words · 2 minutes to read

1. Configure your Proxy/Firewall settings to PHP PEAR

pear config-set http_proxy http://:@:

Sample PEAR command on Windows XP:


2. Now you can install any PHP PEAR Package with “pear install

Sample PEAR command on Windows XP to install the SOAP-0.12.0 Extension Package:


Update 2024

How to install PHP PEAR Packages behind a Proxy or Firewall 🔗

If you are facing issues with installing PHP PEAR packages behind a proxy or firewall, the following steps can help you overcome the obstacles. However, keep in mind that the information provided in this guide is from the year 2011, and it might require updates or changes to reflect the current situation in the years 2021 to 2024.

To configure your Proxy Firewall settings to PHP PEAR, you need to use the pear config-set command with the appropriate proxy settings. The command should include your proxy address, proxy port, username, and password. This will allow PHP PEAR to connect to the internet through the proxy server and download the necessary packages.

Here is a sample PEAR command that you can use on Windows XP to install a PHP PEAR package behind a proxy firewall:

pear install package

Replace package with the name of the PEAR package you want to install. This command will initiate the download and installation process for the specified package, utilizing the proxy settings you have configured.

If you need to install the SOAP Extension Package using PHP PEAR behind a firewall proxy, you can follow a similar approach. Make sure to configure the proxy settings correctly and then run the pear install command with the package name.

In 2024, it is essential to verify if the firewall settings and proxy configurations provided in this guide are still relevant. Technology evolves rapidly, and there may have been changes or updates that require a different approach to installing PHP PEAR packages behind a proxy or firewall.

Stay updated with the latest information and resources to ensure a smooth installation process for PHP PEAR packages in the current years 2021 to 2024.

Update 2024: As of 2024, the process of installing PHP PEAR packages behind a proxy or firewall may have changed due to advancements in technology and security measures. It is recommended to consult the latest documentation and guidelines provided by the PHP community to ensure the correct configuration for proxy and firewall settings.

Additionally, consider using modern tools and techniques that are compatible with the current technology landscape to facilitate the installation of PHP PEAR packages securely and efficiently in 2024.