Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) 🔗
A repetitive strain injury (RSI), is any of a loose group of conditions resulting from overuse of a tool, usually a computer mouse in addition to a computer keyboard. is a syndrome that affects muscles, tendons and nerves in the hands, arms and upper back. In my case, my doctor detected my problem in the upper back. But the solution I found was in using some other kind of a mouse harware. For a detailed repetitive strain injury description you might read the RSI wikipedia article.
A repetitive strain injury (RSI) could also result in a Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Please see next chapter.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) 🔗
A carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist resulting in pain and muscle weakness in forearm and hand. For a detailed carpal tunnel syndromedescription you might read the CTS wikipedia article.
My repetitive strain injury medical history 🔗
Day and night, I often use my computer as I’m a computer programmer. So by the years, a bad Repetitive Strain Injury evnvolved around my right hand wrist. I thnik many other software developers or other heavy computer users might have the same problem. Not sure you’re having RSI? Do you have hard pain in your hand wrist when operating the PC mouse?
Now I’d like to share my experience in solving my repetitive strain injury problem.
First I went to the doctor. Some clear word were spoken:
The repetitive strain injury has to be healed as fast as possible - otherwise it could get chronically! Apparently it’s difficult to heal a chronical repetitive strain injury.
My first advice: Do something against it as soon as possible - it’s your own wrist!
My repetitive strain injury troubleshooting-cycle 🔗
To finally find a good solution for me, I tried about nine different things to fight aginst my RSI.
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 1: Use the other hand. Ok this would help a time around 4 month. After that you’l have a repetitive strain injury on this hand. You just reschedule your problem. Actually this is no solution ….. besides, I heard from someone who changed from the right hand to the left hand and then to the foot …..
You have to change the causation, not the sympthoms!
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 2: I tried to use (or to wear) a medical handwrist splint. See it at my hand and read my conclusion. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 3: Then I tried to lay my injured wrist on a wrist-rest-supporting-pad. See it under my arm and read my conclusion. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 4: After that I tried to exchange my usual mouse against a trackball-mouse. See my trackball and read my conclusion about it. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 5: I remembered my doctor who detected my problem in the upper back. So I tried sitting stright up on a funny sitting ball. Read my conclusion. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 6: Ok this ball wasn’t my thing. I did some handicrafts and build a self-made high standing-desk to reduce RSI symptoms. Great work - look at the red circle and read my conclusion. My RSI with hard wrist pain did get a little better.
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 7: As another little improvement I also used an earphone instead of an usual telephone receiver to uncramp my neck. See it plugged in my telephone and read my conclusion. My RSI with hard wrist pain did get a little better, too .
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 8: It might not only be the mouse - also an unnatural keyboard could be a problem. So I bought a Microsoft Natural Keyboard. See it on my desk and read my conclusion. My RSI with hard wrist pain did get a little better again .
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 9: Mouse and Trackball didn’t satisfy me at all. So I thought about trying it with a small and cheap Wacom Volito graphics tablet instead of a mouse/trackball. See it at work and read my conclusion about this great improvement! Actually my RSI with hard wrist pain did get much better!
Repetitive Strain Injury Solution 10: Now, my problem was the too small tablet for my dual-screen monitor. So I spent some money and bought a bigger wacom tablet, an Intuos 3 Graphic Tablet. See it at work and read my conclusion about this absolutely great improvement! Actually my RSI with hard wrist pain went away!
Now I think I’m healed. After all the big Intuos 3 Tablet solved my wrist pain. Also the natural keyboard and the standing desk is supporting my upper back. With this three solutions I was able to beat my Repetitive Strain Injury.
Update 2021-2024 🔗
Der Text von 2011 beschreibt das Problem des Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) bei Computerbenutzern und stellt verschiedene Lösungsansätze vor, um mit den damit verbundenen Schmerzen umzugehen. In den Jahren 2021 bis 2024 sind die grundlegenden Informationen zu RSI und den vorgeschlagenen Lösungen immer noch relevant, da Computerbenutzer weiterhin an ähnlichen Problemen leiden können.
Im Jahr 2024 sind jedoch einige neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz aufgetreten, die auch für Personen mit RSI relevant sein können. Zum Beispiel wurden verbesserte ergonomische Mäuse und Tastaturen entwickelt, die dazu beitragen können, die Belastung der Hände und Handgelenke zu verringern. Diese neuen Geräte sind speziell darauf ausgelegt, die natürliche Handposition zu unterstützen und Überlastungen zu vermeiden.
Darüber hinaus haben viele Unternehmen Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Arbeitsplatzergonomie ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verbessern, einschließlich der Bereitstellung höhenverstellbarer Schreibtische, ergonomischer Stühle und Schulungen zur richtigen Körperhaltung am Arbeitsplatz. Diese Initiativen zielen darauf ab, die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter zu fördern und die Häufigkeit von RSI und anderen berufsbedingten Verletzungen zu verringern.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Fortschritt in den Jahren 2021 bis 2024 ist die verstärkte Nutzung von Spracherkennungssoftware und anderen Technologien zur Reduzierung der Tastatur- und Mausverwendung. Durch die Möglichkeit, Befehle und Texteingaben per Sprache zu steuern, können Benutzer die Belastung ihrer Hände und Handgelenke verringern und das Risiko von RSI-Symptomen minimieren.
Insgesamt hat sich die Sensibilität für ergonomische Arbeitsplatzgestaltung und die Prävention von berufsbedingten Verletzungen wie RSI in den Jahren 2021 bis 2024 weiterentwickelt. Neue Technologien und verbesserte Arbeitsplatzrichtlinien tragen dazu bei, die Gesundheit der Arbeitnehmer zu schützen und die Produktivität am Arbeitsplatz zu steigern.
Daher ist es ratsam, neben den im Text von 2011 vorgestellten Lösungen auch die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bereich der Arbeitsplatzergonomie und Gesundheitsvorsorge zu berücksichtigen, um das Risiko von RSI und anderen damit verbundenen Beschwerden zu minimieren.