SERPland Blog

why nobody uses Oracle's PL/SQL language

· 556 words · 3 minutes to read

Oracle is probably the best database of the world. And it’s the market leader also.

Oracle has it’s on procedural programming language: PL/SQL

Actually PL/SQL is pretty simple in it’s first steps. OK, it’s getting more functional and complicatet when getting deeper in it.

In the free Oracle Express database edition, everyone could use PL/SQL - and that’s for free.

But unfortunatelly, not very much new Oracle users take the advantages of PL/SQL. Why not?

Oracle is doing not very much in PL/SQL advertisement!

and also:

There is very less Search Engine Optimization for PL/SQL on the web.

The reason is as simple: Oracle is hinding thousands of tech documents behind its METALINK and TECHNET. You have to register and login to access them. But this can’t be done by search engine robots.

A call to Oracle and Larry Ellison: Please let the robots search all your technical documents and forum entries! Why not consolidate all documents in a “huge” Oracle SEO optimized page with more than 1,000,000 SERP pages? - technet - metalink - tahiti docs - …..

It would be great seeing the PL/SQL community growing fast …

Update 2024

Update on the Use of Oracle’s PL SQL Language in 2024 🔗

Oracle’s PL SQL language has been a staple in the world of database programming for many years. In 2011, it was noted that not many new Oracle users were taking advantage of PL SQL, despite it being available for free in the Oracle Express database edition. The lack of promotion and search engine optimization for PL SQL was cited as a reason for its underutilization.

As we fast forward to 2024, the situation around the use of PL SQL has seen some changes. While Oracle continues to be a major player in the database market, the adoption of PL SQL has increased over the years. This is partly due to the growing demand for skilled PL SQL programmers in the industry, as well as Oracle’s efforts to promote the language through various channels.

One significant development in recent years has been Oracle’s improved accessibility to technical documents and forum entries related to PL SQL. In response to calls for better search engine optimization, Oracle has consolidated its resources and made them more readily available to both users and search engine robots. This has made it easier for newcomers to learn about PL SQL and for experienced users to find relevant information quickly.

Additionally, the PL SQL community has been thriving, with more developers and programmers actively participating in forums, discussions, and knowledge sharing. This growth can be attributed to the efforts of Oracle to foster a supportive environment for PL SQL users, as well as the increasing recognition of the importance of database programming skills in the tech industry.

In 2024, Oracle’s PL SQL language remains a powerful tool for database development and management. With a strong community support and improved access to resources, more users are embracing PL SQL and leveraging its capabilities to build robust and efficient database solutions.

Overall, the landscape of PL SQL usage has evolved since 2011, with increased adoption and improved accessibility to resources contributing to its growth and popularity in the database programming world. Oracle’s commitment to supporting the PL SQL community has resulted in a brighter outlook for the language in the years to come.