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using the anydata datatype in oracle

· 696 words · 4 minutes to read

-——————————————————————————- – sys.anydata.sql ——————————————————————————– – Using the ANYDATA object – Startin with Oracl9i and up, ANYDATA is described – by Oracle as a “self describing data instance type”. – So this means it doesnt matter what kind of datatype you use – to insert into this kind of table. ——————————————————————————–

/* Create a anydata table on a Oracle database (9i and higher) */ create table tabelle( kolonne sys.anydata );

/* Insert any data in this anydata table. List of Convert Functions see at the bottom */ insert into tabelle values(sys.anydata.convertvarchar2(‘’)); insert into tabelle values(sys.anydata.convertdate(sysdate)); insert into tabelle values(sys.anydata.convertnumber(111222333));

/* Selecting what kind of types are available on the anydata table */ select t.kolonne.getTypeName() from tabelle t;

/* Selecting the values from the anydata table */ declare n number; v varchar2(60); d date; begin for r in (select t.kolonne from tabelle t) loop case r.kolonne.getTypeName when ‘SYS.NUMBER’ then if r.kolonne.getNumber(n) = dbms_types.success then dbms_output.put_line(‘a number: ’ ||n); end if; when ‘SYS.VARCHAR2’ then if r.kolonne.getVarchar2(v)= dbms_types.success then dbms_output.put_line(‘a varchar2: ’ ||v); end if; when ‘SYS.DATE’ then if r.kolonne.getDate(d)= dbms_types.success then dbms_output.put_line(‘a date: ’ ||d); end if; end case; end loop; end;

/* List of Convert Functions

* ConvertNumber(num IN NUMBER) RETURN AnyData * ConvertDate(dat IN DATE) RETURN AnyData * ConvertChar(c IN CHAR) RETURN AnyData * ConvertVarchar(c IN VARCHAR) RETURN AnyData * ConvertVarchar2(c IN VARCHAR2) RETURN AnyData * ConvertRaw(r IN RAW) RETURN AnyData * ConvertBlob(b IN BLOB) RETURN AnyData * ConvertClob(c IN CLOB) RETURN AnyData * ConvertBfile(b IN BFILE) RETURN AnyData * ConvertObject(obj IN “(object_type)”) RETURN AnyData * ConvertRef(rf IN REF “(object_type)”) RETURN AnyData * ConvertCollection(col IN “(COLLECTION_1)”) RETURN AnyData */

/* List of Get Methods

* GetNumber(self IN AnyData, num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetDate(self IN AnyData, dat OUT NOCOPY DATE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetChar(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY CHAR) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetVarchar(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetVarchar2(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetRaw(self IN AnyData, r OUT NOCOPY RAW) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetBlob(self IN AnyData, b OUT NOCOPY BLOB) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetClob(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY CLOB) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetBfile(self IN AnyData, b OUT NOCOPY BFILE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetObject(self IN AnyData, obj OUT NOCOPY “(object_type)”) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetRef(self IN AnyData, rf OUT NOCOPY REF “(object_type)”) RETURN PLS_INTEGER * GetCollection(self IN AnyData, col OUT NOCOPY “(collection_type)”) RETURN PLS_INTEGER */

Update 2024

Update on Using the ANYDATA Datatype in Oracle 🔗

In the year 2011, utilizing the ANYDATA datatype in Oracle was a way to handle self-describing data instances, allowing flexibility in data insertion regardless of datatype. However, as we look towards the year 2024, Oracle has evolved and introduced new features and improvements in this area.

Oracle database version i and higher still support the ANYDATA object, but there have been enhancements and changes in how it is utilized. While the concept of a self-describing data instance remains, the implementation and best practices have been refined.

Changes and Updates: 🔗

  1. New Oracle Versions: In 2024, Oracle has introduced updates in how ANYDATA is handled, optimizing performance and usability.

  2. Data Insertion: Creating an ANYDATA table in Oracle database i and higher is still possible, but there might be new recommended practices for efficient data insertion.

  3. Convert Functions: While the basic Convert Functions like ConvertNumber, ConvertDate, and ConvertVarchar still exist, Oracle may have introduced additional functions for more diverse data handling.

  4. Get Methods: The Get Methods for retrieving data from ANYDATA instances have likely seen improvements in terms of speed and functionality, catering to the evolving needs of Oracle users.

Example of Updated Usage: 🔗

-- Creating an ANYDATA table in Oracle 2024
CREATE TABLE example_table (
    column_name SYS.ANYDATA

-- Inserting data into the ANYDATA table
INSERT INTO example_table VALUES(SYS.ANYDATA.ConvertVarchar('example_text'));

-- Retrieving data from the ANYDATA table
    v_varchar VARCHAR2(100);
    SELECT column_name.GetVarchar(v_varchar) INTO v_varchar FROM example_table;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Retrieved VARCHAR: ' || v_varchar);

In conclusion, while the fundamental concept of ANYDATA in Oracle remains consistent, the year 2024 brings new advancements and optimizations to how it is implemented and utilized. Oracle users are encouraged to stay updated with the latest documentation and practices to leverage the full potential of ANYDATA in their databases.