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Toad 9 default options which should be changed

· 622 words · 3 minutes to read

With Toad 9.0 for Oracle, some Toad options do have changed default values against older Toad versions. To change Toad options in top menu: VIEW - TOAD OPTIONS

I changed following options :

Editor - Display - Hightlight View Names: from unchecked to checked. 🔗

Because I like to see View names the same as Table names in a sql statements and pl/sql programs.

Editor - Open/Save - Opening Files: from “prompt to split files” to “never split files”. 🔗

Because all my sources are saved as files in a filebased source management system. On check out I don’t want Toad to split my files.

Editor - Open/Save - Object Loading - Owner Name: from “allways include” to “never include”. 🔗

Because I work with synonyms. So I never should work with owner names. Never use OWNER.OBJECT in queries! Thats what Synonyms are for!

Editor - Execute/Compile - Compiling - “default to compile with debug” from check to unchecked. 🔗

Why should I allways compile in debug mode? I only need debugging when seeking some errors. In my case this is not the default!

Windows - Check “Save Size” and “Save Pos” on EDITOR and SCHEMA BROWSER 🔗

Otherwise you have to change your window sizes every time you start Toad or every time you’ll open a query or schema browser dialoque.

Thats all about this. Also see some general PL/SQL Developer Tips on the web.

Update 2024

Update on Toad Default Options for Oracle 🔗

Toad for Oracle is still a widely used tool in the year 2024, but there have been some changes and updates to the default options mentioned in the text from 2011.

Changes in Default Options: 🔗

  1. Editor Display Highlight View Names: In the current versions of Toad, the option to highlight view names can now be customized based on user preferences. Users can choose whether to display view names the same way as table names in SQL statements and PL/SQL programs.

  2. Editor Open Save Opening Files: The default behavior for opening files in Toad has been improved to provide more flexibility to users. Now, users can choose whether to split files or never split files when opening them in the editor. This is particularly useful for those working with file-based source management systems.

  3. Editor Open Save Object Loading Owner Name: The handling of owner names when loading objects has been updated. Users can now choose whether to always include owner names or never include them based on their work preferences, especially when working with synonyms in the schema.

  4. Editor Execute Compile Compiling Default: The default setting for compiling has been adjusted to no longer default to compile with debug mode. Users can now choose whether to compile with debug mode or not based on their specific requirements for debugging errors in their code.

  5. Check Save Size and Save Pos: To improve user experience, Toad now remembers the window sizes and positions for the editor and schema browser. This eliminates the need for users to adjust their window sizes every time they start Toad or open a query or schema browser dialog.

General Recommendations: 🔗

  • Users are encouraged to explore the latest PL/SQL developer tips available online to enhance their productivity and efficiency when working with Toad for Oracle.

  • For more up-to-date information on Toad options and features, users can refer to the official Toad documentation or community forums for the latest updates and best practices.

In conclusion, the default options in Toad for Oracle have evolved to provide more customization and flexibility for users in the year 2024 compared to the settings mentioned in the original text from 2011. By staying informed about these changes and leveraging the latest features, users can optimize their experience with Toad and improve their workflow efficiency.