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Oracle Designer TAPI: Calling the select (slct) procedure via pl/sql

· 414 words · 2 minutes to read

With Oracle Designer, Table API’s (TAPI) can be automatically generated. This way a pretty nice slct (select) procedure will also be generated.

Following simple code uses this TAPI slct procedure in pl/sql:

declare arecord cg$$row_type; begin arecord.str_oid := 57267; cg$emp.slct(arecord); dbms_output.put_line(arecord.ename); end;

Errors look like this: /* ORA-20999: TAPI-100:ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "GLBN.CG$ERRORS", line 68 ORA-06512: at "GLBN.CG$EMP", line 200 ORA-06512: at line 6 */


Update 2024

Update on Oracle Designer TAPI 🔗

In the year 2011, the use of Oracle Designer Table API (TAPI) to automatically generate select procedures was a common practice. However, let’s see how this information holds up in the years 2021 to 2024.

As of 2024, Oracle Designer TAPI is still a useful tool for generating select procedures automatically. Developers continue to leverage this functionality to streamline their workflow and enhance efficiency in Oracle database management.

The process remains similar to what was described in the previous text. By utilizing Oracle Designer TAPI, a select procedure (slct) can be readily generated, providing a structured approach to querying data from Oracle databases. The TAPI functionality simplifies the development process and ensures the consistency of select procedures across different projects.

Despite the advancements in Oracle technologies over the years, the fundamental concept of using Oracle Designer TAPI for generating select procedures has stood the test of time. Developers appreciate the convenience and reliability offered by this feature, making it a valuable asset in database development projects.

However, it is essential to note that as technology evolves, new updates and enhancements may have been introduced to Oracle Designer TAPI in 2024. Developers are encouraged to stay informed about the latest developments in Oracle technologies and explore any new features that could further optimize their workflow.

In conclusion, Oracle Designer TAPI continues to be a relevant and beneficial tool for developers working with Oracle databases in 2024. While the core functionality remains consistent, staying up-to-date with any new advancements in Oracle technologies is essential to fully leverage the capabilities of Oracle Designer TAPI in modern database development projects.

2024 brings new opportunities for developers to enhance their skills and explore innovative ways to optimize database management with tools like Oracle Designer TAPI. By staying proactive and adaptable to changes in technology, developers can continue to harness the power of Oracle databases effectively.

Remember, the key to success in 2024 and beyond lies in embracing new technologies while also building upon the strong foundations laid by proven tools like Oracle Designer TAPI.