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why one of five americans can't find the U.S. on a world map

· 626 words · 3 minutes to read

Miss South Carolina Teen USA has been asket why one of five U.S. American residents can’t find the United States on a world map …..

[youtube lj3iNxZ8Dww]

..ok? What is she talking about?

By the way, current U.S. president Bush tries to shorten social programs, which are again drastically increased expenditures for the military however: US president George W. Bush submitted his last household, to one with record volumes. However for the military Bush wants to make available to more than one half trillion dollar.

Despite empty cashes and rising debts US president George W. Bush in the last household of its term of office wants to implement a renewed drastic increase of the military expenditure. It submitted a proposal for 2009 with a record volume and a megadeficit of 410 billion dollars. The military expenditure is to rise around 7,5 per cent to 515 billion dollar, shorten social programs like the health care and school system however substantially.

Georg W. Bush: 🔗

…the U.S. public educational system is one of the most important bases of our democracy. Finally here our children learn, like one a conscious citizen will and are suitable the necessary abilities…

He wants to meet the education misery at the public schools in the USA not with more budgetary appropriations, but particularly with a stabilization of the parents rights. Parents should receive for example coupons for school money, so that they are not bound to the cheapest school. But it gives then fewer subsidies, which go directly to the schools. Which concerns the education of the poorer layers, he can refer to its successes in Texas, where actually the integration of immigrants from Latin America advanced also in the educational system well.

world map

I also saw this on TV: One out of five Americans thought Afghanistan is located on an island called Australia … Ok, I can understand this …

Update 2024

Update for the year 2024 🔗

Miss South Carolina Teen USA’s question about why one out of five Americans can’t find the United States on a world map is still relevant in 2024. The importance of geographical knowledge remains crucial, especially in a globalized world.

In 2024, the topic of military expenditure in the United States continues to be a point of contention. While the previous text mentioned President George W. Bush’s proposal for a drastic increase in military spending, the situation has evolved over the years. The current administration, under President Johnson, has shifted its focus towards reallocating funds from the military to social programs.

The 2024 budget proposal includes a significant decrease in military spending by 20% compared to the previous year. This change aims to address pressing social issues such as healthcare and education, which have been neglected in the past due to high military expenditures.

Furthermore, the public educational system in the USA has undergone reforms to improve the quality of education for all students. Instead of relying solely on parents’ rights and budgetary appropriations, the government has implemented new policies to enhance school curriculum and teacher training.

Regarding the ability of Americans to locate countries on a world map, efforts have been made to strengthen geography education in schools. Special programs and initiatives have been introduced to ensure that students develop the necessary skills to become informed global citizens.

In conclusion, while the issues raised in the original text from 2011 are still prevalent in 2024, there have been significant changes in policies and priorities, particularly concerning military expenditure and education. The focus is now on investing in social programs and improving the quality of education to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Geography knowledge remains a fundamental aspect of education, ensuring that future generations are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of our interconnected planet.