SERPland Blog

My complete Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) troubleshooting guide

· 1087 words · 6 minutes to read

As I wrote on my first and huge RSI page, I was able to heal my carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) with a repetitive strain injury.

Still, my most important suggestion ist: Change the causation, not the sympthoms!

Here’s a short overview on my RSI solution number 1 to 10:

RSI solution 1: Use the other hand. Ok this would help a time around 4 month. After that you’l have a repetitive strain injury on this hand. You just reschedule your problem. Actually this is no solution.

RSI solution 2: I tried to use (or to wear) a medical handwrist splint. See it at my hand and read my conclusion. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.

RSI solution 3: Then I tried to lay my injured wrist on a wrist-rest-supporting-pad. See it under my arm and read my conclusion. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.

RSI solution 4: After that I tried to exchange my usual mouse against a trackball-mouse. See my trackball and read my conclusion about it. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.

RSI solution 5: I remembered my doctor who detected my problem in the upper back. So I tried sitting stright up on a funny sitting ball. Read my conclusion. But my RSI with hard wrist pain didn’t disappear.

RSI solution 6: Ok this ball wasn’t my thing. I did some handicrafts and build a self-made high standing-desk to reduce RSI symptoms. Great work - look at the red circle and read my conclusion. My RSI with hard wrist pain did get a little better.

RSI solution 7: As another little improvement I also used an earphone instead of an usual telephone receiver to uncramp my neck. See it plugged in my telephone and read my conclusion. My RSI with hard wrist pain did get a little better, too .

RSI solution 8: It might not only be the mouse - also an unnatural keyboard could be a problem. So I bought a Microsoft Natural Keyboard. See it on my desk and read my conclusion. My RSI with hard wrist pain did get a little better again .

RSI solution 9: Mouse and Trackball didn’t satisfy me at all. So I thought about trying it with a small and cheap Wacom Volito graphics tablet instead of a mouse/trackball. See it at work and read my conclusion about this great improvement! Actually my RSI with hard wrist pain did get much better!

RSI solution 10: Now, my problem was the too small tablet for my dual-screen monitor. So I spent some money and bought a bigger wacom tablet, an Intuos 3 Graphic Tablet. See it at work and read my conclusion about this absolutely great improvement! Actually my RSI with hard wrist pain went away!

Now I think I’m healed. After all the big Intuos 3 Tablet solved my wrist pain. Also the natural keyboard and the standing desk is supporting my upper back. With this three solutions I was able to beat my Repetitive Strain Injury.

Now I found many other users blogging on RSI: 🔗

Work Station Ergonomics - The study of workstation ergonomics tells us that the objects that are used most often should be located closest to your body and accessed easily, without awkward body positions.

Are You At A Risk Of Repetitive Strain Injury? In order to define this controversial condition high quality trials and evidence of effective treatments are needed.

SI still a big issue in UK office - RSI (repetitive strain injury) is causing UK office workers to take almost 5 million working days off sick according to a recent report by the Health & safety executive, the Trade Union Congress and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Alleviating repetitive strain injury (RSI) naturally - One specific nutrient that can be effective in the treatment of CTS is vitamin B6. Studies have found that sufferers of CTS tend to be deficient in this nutrient.

The work pattern of computer professionals carries a lot of orthopedic disorders. The chief complaint is constant pain in the upper limbs, neck, shoulders, and back

Heavy Computer User? Here’s 7 Ways To Fight Repetitive Strain Injury

Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury By Using Simple Keyboard Shortcuts

Exercises that can help prevent RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)

Why Dark Themes and Terminals can Strain your Eyes

Doctors Say Laptops Causing Crippling Back, Muscle and Nerve Problems for Millions

The Terror Known as RSI - I can tell you your future! Sure I can. Are you holding a mouse while slouching in your nice office chair

… and last but not least …

Is Ubuntu an Operating System? Better than getting repetitive strain injury from the painful way Windows does things

Update 2024

Update for the years 2021 to 2024 🔗

Im Jahre 2024 bleibt das Thema Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) nach wie vor relevant, insbesondere für Computerbenutzer, die Maus und Tastatur verwenden. Der Ursprung des Problems liegt oft in der Überbeanspruchung von Handgelenken und Händen durch die wiederholte Nutzung von Computereingabegeräten. In diesem Zusammenhang sind Maßnahmen zur Prävention und Behandlung von RSI weiterhin von großer Bedeutung.

Der Ursprüngliche Artikel aus dem Jahr 2011 bietet verschiedene Lösungsansätze für RSI, darunter die Verwendung einer anderen Hand für die Maus, die Verwendung einer ergonomischen Tastatur wie die Microsoft Natural Keyboard, den Einsatz einer Handgelenkstütze und den Wechsel zu einem Trackball-Maus.

Eine der vorgeschlagenen Lösungen war auch die Verwendung einer Grafiktablette anstelle einer Maus oder eines Trackballs. Die Autorin des Artikels berichtet über positive Ergebnisse bei der Verwendung einer kleinen und günstigen Wacom Volito Grafiktablette und später einer größeren Wacom Intuos Grafiktablette, um RSI-Symptome zu lindern.

Es wird berichtet, dass die Verwendung der Grafiktablette in Kombination mit einer ergonomischen Tastatur und einem höhenverstellbaren Schreibtisch dazu beigetragen hat, die Beschwerden zu lindern und letztendlich zu überwinden.

Im Jahr 2024 sind ergonomische Lösungen und die Anpassung des Arbeitsplatzes nach wie vor wichtige Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung von RSI. Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen investieren zunehmend in ergonomische Arbeitsplatzgestaltung, um die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter zu fördern.

Darüber hinaus wird betont, dass regelmäßige Pausen, Handgelenkübungen und die Verwendung von Tastaturkürzeln zur Reduzierung der Belastung beitragen können. Die Vermeidung von übermäßigem Gebrauch von Computereingabegeräten und die Aufrechterhaltung einer guten Körperhaltung sind ebenfalls wichtige Aspekte bei der Vorbeugung von RSI.

Insgesamt bleibt das Bewusstsein für RSI und die Bedeutung ergonomischer Maßnahmen in der heutigen digitalen Arbeitswelt hoch. Die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung von Technologien und Arbeitsbedingungen erfordert eine angepasste Herangehensweise an die Prävention von RSI, um langfristige gesundheitliche Folgen zu vermeiden.